hotel republic was shortlisted at the Meetings Industry Marketing awards and won SILVER in the category, Best use of Video Marketing. The Award was presented to Kai Schömann on the night by English newsreader and television presenter Mary Nightingale. The video was about the first sales event that hotel republic organised for their client ROBINSON. ‘Take me back to ROBINSON, take me back to good things…’, lyrics from the company’s theme song. We wanted to capture the essence of that sentiment, that ROBINSON’s resorts (and conference facilities) are so good, so professional, so quality-driven, that you want to return.
We also wanted to make clear that ROBINSON will greet you at the door when you arrive. We also needed to capture the ‘fun’ aspect of the group – Use the video as a marketing tool – Have something to share on social media – Showcase what hotel republic does for its clients and building brand-awareness was incredibly important. The video of the party, with specially invited conference organisers on a private yacht, was something we could send to all buyers to remind them of the great party atmosphere and to motivate them to book ROBINSON for their next event. We needed to persuade them that they would indeed be booking ‘good things’ and would want to come back time and again.

You can see the video after the awards pictures below.