Find out more about Forte Village

What is the status of your hotel right now?

We are currently closed and have postponed the opening to the month of May.

How are you staying in touch with your employees?

We have internal WhatsApp groups; we schedule conference calls and keep all our team informed on the evolution of the business.

How do you motivate your sales team right now?

Keep constant communication flowing, show positivity, ask for support and ideas to overcome the crisis and to work on new ideas to be ready for when we will start again.

How do you see the future for the rest of the year once the crisis passes?

We believe and hope that we will have a stronger autumn. All corporate companies will need to start up, reassess targets and relaunch their business. It will take some time. We are gearing up for this time of the year, we believe people want to travel again after all these restrictions and confinement.

What are the unique selling points of your hotel?

Forte Village is located in a 50 hectares park, fully refurbished, it is a destination within a destination.
You have everything you need but at no more than a few minutes’ walk (shopping, sea, sport activities, spa, conference facilities, restaurant facilities). It is an authentic product in an area with a unique microclimate. We have and provide guests with real luxury of space; you can choose from 7 hotels and different accommodation and with the most competitive opportunities.

What message do you have to MICE bookers in the UK who will read the interview?

At Forte Village you can host and organise any type of event, from a board meeting of 20 top executives to a product launch for 1,500 people.
All activities can be organised on site, giving a full selection of options in all sectors (restaurants, events area, sport and incentive activities of all kind.